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“Welcome to the magic world of  English for 7th to 11th graders

 “Interacting with the Technology, I can improve my Knowledge in English”.

Welcome to this  site!

It has been designed  especially for you my dear ITS student.  In order to help you in your process of Learning English through the ICT´s. 
I hope you enjoy it.
I suggest you to take a look around… 
Come on!!!!

La institución educativa  INSTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIOR DE PEREIRA como tantas otras en el país tiene como meta y preocupación constante, elevar el nivel académico de los estudiantes, para ello se implementan diferentes estrategias y métodos que son evaluados y replanteados con el propósito de mejorar sus prácticas pedagógicas y alcanzar mejores estándares  de calidad.

El edublog “ ITS English Lab” surge como proyecto final de la especialización en Gerencia de la Informática Educativa que se realiza en el área de Humanidades-Inglés de la institución educativa , luego de analizar entre otras, las causas del bajo rendimiento de los estudiantes, llegando a la conclusión que la gran falencia, está en la comunicación tanto oral como escrita en el Inglés.
El edublog “ ITS ENGLISH LAB”, contiene información, ejercicios y juegos relacionados con reglas ortográficas, análisis de textos, videos, páginas de interés, etc.  Con el propósito de preparar a los estudiantes de grado octavo para los nuevos retos que exige la educación y la sociedad globalizada, tendrán la posibilidad de interactuar con otros compañeros y docentes, desarrollarán habilidades lectoras y de escritura, apropiándose  de los conceptos básicos para mejorar su nivel de comprensión y con ello la capacidad de análisis y síntesis; por lo tanto, mejorar su desempeño cognitivo.


Diseñar un edublog que permita mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje del Inglés mediante la realización de actividades interactivas, dinámicas y de interés para los estudiantes de la básica y media técnica de la institución educativa  INSTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIOR  del Municipio de Pereira, Risaralda, con el fin de que aprendan a interpretar adecuadamente la realidad de su mundo globalizado.


-Realizar un diagnóstico de la situación actual del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Ingles en los estudiantes de grados la básica secundaria y la media técnica de la I.E. Instituto Técnico Superior de Pereira.

-Identificar las necesidades de los estudiantes de la básica secundaria y la media técnica en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Inglés mediante una encuesta.

-Diseñar un edublog con temas de interés contenidos en el plan de estudios de Inglés para los estudiantes de la básica secundaria y la media técnica mediante la aplicación de actividades lúdico-pedagógicas en línea tales como: crosswords, juegos de palabras, videos, gráficos, pruebas SABER- Tipo ICFES, canciones,etc.

-Presentar evidencias sobre la implementación de las TIC´s en el aula : El Edublog demostrando así un aprendizaje significativo del Inglés.


Recently, The Libre University invited us to participate in their 6th annual 
English Song Festival held on Thursday, November 5th at the Cesar
Gaviria Trujillo Auditorium. A wide variety of teenagers from all over the region 
gave us a bilingual musical experience with their spirited performances in
English. We are very proud of our student: 
Alysson Gutierrez Castillo
who did a great performance in English with the song, "All of Me".
She had done an outstanding show with her beautiful voice and melody and 
She won. As a reward she´s got an acustic guitar and a  honor mention.
Overall we had the chance to meet and mingle with many singers, musicians,
other ESLteachers and people who love bilingual education. 

"Everyone is welcome to learn a new language and become bilingual.... 
that is the challenge for all of us!".


“Welcome to the magic world of  English”

 “Interacting with the Technology, I can Improve my Knowledge in English”.

The Educational Institution HIGHER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE PEREIRA has a goal to increase the academic level of its students by implementing new strategies and methods which are then evaluated and changes are made in order to achieve these better standards. This is the goal of the Colombian Ministry of Education in all of its schools throughout the country.
This Edublog "ITS English Lab" is an example of this strategy and it emerges as a final draft of specialization in Management of Computer Education, which is part of the Humanities/English Department in the school. This Edublog was developed to address one of the causes of low student achievement, which is lack of oral and written communication ability in English.

The Edublog ITS ENGLISH LAB contains information, exercises and games realted to spelling rules, text analysis, videos, general interest pages, etc. This will help students prepare for the new challenges of global society by interacting with their peers and teachers and develop an understanding for critical analysis and synthesis, which will increase their cognitive performance.

Learning a language is acomplex process that demands a lot of steps in order to learn the appopiate knowledge about grammar, vocabulary, reading and comprehension. With this knowledge, the students must be able to use it properly in their writing, speaking, listening and comprehension activities.

The English language is one of the most difficult languages for Spanish speakers to learn. Therefore it requires a great variety of strategies and methodologies by the teacher in order for this learning to take place in pleasant activities where students and teachers work together in a dynamic environment.
The Reading/writing is an important part of English teaching but it is also one of the hardest to learn, so for this reason teachers need to be creative in designing activities for the class. This will allow students to build their knowledge through enjoyable and easy learning activities.

This Edublog :"ITS English lab" has been done with the purpose to increase their communicative abilities in English for High School graders at the HIGHTER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF PEREIRA. In this , they will find many different strategies where they will enjoy activities such as videos, photos, games, news, songs, ICFES tests, etc..

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